Welcome to the Wagner Society of Northern California

The Wagner Society of Northern California is part of a tradition dating from 1871 when Richard Wagner inspired the founding of the Wagner Vereine in the hope that they would finance the first Bayreuth Festival, a performance of his great epic The Ring of the Nibelungen. The drawing room of his home, Wahnfried, was painted with the coats-of-arms of all the German cities with Wagner Societies.

Today, the Society, one of many around the world, provides an opportunity for lovers of Wagner’s music—from the beginner to the hard core “Ringhead” — to come together and share experiences, learn, and help promote appreciation and performance of the his works.

The Society is characterized by the warmth and camaraderie enjoyed by those sharing a deep common interest. The Society sponsors a variety of public programs and social events, publishes a journal (Leitmotive), supports aspiring Wagner artists through a grant program, and, as often as possible, provides members with tickets to the Bayreuth Festival.